Processing on the master buss (from the mastering engineer’s point of view)
Processing on the master buss
This is a controversial matter but the only thing that should really be avoided is a brickwall limiter and/or a clipper.
Processing for aesthetic reasons, is certainly allowed and many times required by the mix and the music itself.
So, if for instance,you have any wideband compression going on, then by all means leave it on before sending the mixes to mastering. If you are however questioning the benefits of you mastering the mix or debating whether a setting or the next one is the correct, then feel free to send two files, one with compression and one without. We will explore the possibilities with my own tools and decide together.
Processors such as stereo enhancers, equalizers and mutliband compressors are better off avoided in the first place but if you happen to use one and really like what it’s doing to the final mix, then, by all means export two versions of the mix and after listening them to the same apparent level, we will both know which version best serves the music and the intention of the creators.